UMACS is staffed by student interns and Megan Voorhees, our part-time Executive Director. Megan's career has primarily focused on leading higher education and community programs designed to help participants effectively address complex social and environmental issues. Most recently, she was the Director of Experiential Education and Graduate Programs at the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota, where she also was Affiliate Faculty at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs. From 2000-2013, she was the Assistant Dean of Students and Director of the Public Service Center at the University of California, Berkeley. She has also led youth development and youth employment programs in the non-profit sector. Megan has a BA In Sociology and Anthropology from Lewis & Clark College and Masters in Theological Studies from the Graduate Theological Union.
2023-2024 UMACS Steering Committee
Troy Goodnough, Sustainability Director, University of Minnesota, Morris Meghann Jarchow, Chair of Sustainability and Environment, University of South Dakota Jon Jensen, Director, Center for Sustainable Communities, Luther College Samantha Kaplan, Professor of Geography, University of Wisconsin Stevens Point Jordan Lutz, Sustainability Project Manager, Bemidji State University Chelsea Malacara, Sustainability & Energy Management Coordinator, Marquette University Casey Meehan, Director of Sustainability and Resiliency, Western Technical College Ben Newton, Environmental Sustainability Director, Central Community College Eric O'Brien, Director of Sustainability, University of Northern Iowa Alan Turnquist, Director of Sustainability and Resilience, Michigan Technological University Megan Voorhees, Executive Director, Upper Midwest Association for Campus Sustainability